> Where Does Your Time Go?

Time tracking with 'notepad style' free-form interface. Just write what you did and for how long in pretty much any format. But more than Notepad, you get clean data and reporting. See more at Features

Time duration parsing is very flexible. Couple of examples: "meetings 09:00-2.5h", "meetings 9AM-11:30AM" and "meetings 09:00-11:30", "meetings 9AM-2h30m" would all record the same thing, up to you. You could also leave out start time and write just "meetings 2.5h", which would use the end time of the previous same day task (or your default work day start time). One line per task. Copy-paste, edit multiple days at once. As said, notepad style.

The service is free. We developed this service because we needed it. Hopefully you will find it useful as well.

Improve Estimates

The main benefit of continuously tracking your tasks and hours is that it improves your future estimates. Everything takes more time than you would guess, and it is easy to forget some important parts of the tasks. Only way to improve your estimation process is to track how well your estimates played out.

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Improve Efficiency

When you track your tasks and see the number of hours spend on each tasks, you internally start to prioritize tasks more efficiently and think about time in more conscious way.

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Reduce Stress

It is easy to forget all the effort you put into the projects. What did you actually do whole last week? Sometimes you get a feeling that you have not been productive, even if that would not be the case. Perspective and permanent memory of your valuable time spent works as refresher what you worked on last time. This is especially true if you have multiple projects and tasks to work on.

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